Job Vacancies

Certificated Dental Surgery Assistant

[MPS Point 517, $19,535 – $38,715]

(Year-round Recruitment)


Job Requirements:

  1. Holder of a Certificate of Proficiency in Dental Surgery Assisting/ Diploma in Dental Surgery Assisting issued by The Prince Philip Dental Hospital; and
  2. Attained Level 2/ Grade E or above in 5 subjects in HKDSEE or HKCEE, including Chinese Language and English Language/ English Language (Syllabus B) in pre-2007 HKCEE, or equivalent.

Remark: Applicants obtaining the required qualifications in Aug/ Sep 2024 will also be considered.


Major Duties:  

  1. Assist the operators at various dental clinics in the treatment of patients and teaching-related matters; and
  2. Facilitate in patient care, administration, supplies and general cleanliness associated with clinics.


Package:    Five-day week, 14 days’ annual leave and medical/ dental benefits.  Successful candidate will be offered appointment at the entry point, MPS Point 5 ($19,535) per month with a two-year contract which is renewable, subject to satisfactory performance.  An end-of-contract gratuity may be granted upon satisfactory completion of the contract with consistently high standard of performance and conduct.  The amount of gratuity payable will be the sum which, when added to the Hospital’s contribution to a Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) scheme as required by the MPF Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 485), equals to 10% of the total basic salary drawn during the contract period.


To Apply:   Applicants should send the duly completed Application Form (downloadable from the Hospital’s website and full résumé indicating clearly their academic results and working experience to the Hospital Administration (HR), The Prince Philip Dental Hospital, 34 Hospital Road, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong or via email to  Applicants should mark clearly the post Certificated Dental Surgery Assistant and reference numberPP202CDSAon the envelope/ subject of the email and the Application Form. Year-round recruitment of Certificated Dental Surgery Assistants has commenced since 26 April 2024 and applications will be accepted all year round until further notice.


Enquiry:      2859 0530

(Personal data collected will be used for recruitment related purpose only)